Trade and Socioeconomic Change in Ovamboland, 1850–1906

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Siiskonen, Harri
Trade and Socioeconomic Change in Ovamboland, 1850–1906
Finnish Historical Society
Studia Historica 35
Vammala 1990, 269 pp.
Ovamboland, located in northern Namibia, was the most important battlefield in the Namibians, long struggle for independence. Althought nearly half of the country's population lives in Ovamboland, the history of the Ovambo communities has been a neglected area in research on Namibian history. Research has been hindered particularly by the scarcity and dispersion of source materials. By emploing the hitherto unutilized sources of the Finnish Missionary Society Archive, Harri Siiskonen's dissertation opens up an entirely new perspective on the colorful history of Ovamboland.
More Information
ISBN 951-8915-30-X
ISSN 0081-6493
Publisher Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Series Studia Historica
Published (year) 1990
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines History
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Copyright © The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies