The Genre of Early Modern English Statutes: Complexity in Historical Legal Language

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Lehto, Anu
The Genre of Early Modern English Statutes: Complexity in Historical Legal Language
Uusfilologinen yhdistys - Nyfilologiska föreningen
Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki XCVII
Vantaa 2015, 404 pp.
The study assesses the diachronic development of complexity in Early Modern English parliamentary acts and proclamations between 1491 and 1707. The work defines complexity as the number, variety and organization of linguistic elements and incorporates new linguistic features for the investigation. How do complexity features function in historical legal writing? How do the features develop diachronically and how systematic are the genres on their linguistic elements?
More Information
ISBN 978-951-9040-54-7
ISSN 0355-0192
Publisher Uusfilologinen yhdistys - Nyfilologiska föreningen
Series Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki
Published (year) 2015
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines Linguistics
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