SKY Journal of Linguistics 21

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SKY Journal of Linguistics 21
Editors Pentti Haddington & al.
Linguistic Association of Finland
Tampere 2008, 366 pp.
Articles: Khaled H. Abu-Abbas, Introducing weight-sensitive EDGEMOST; Mahmoud A. Al-Khatib & Enaq H. Sabbah, Language Choice in Mobile Text Messages among Jordanian University Students; Fusheini Hudu, The Low Vowel and Retraction in St'át'imcets: An Ultrasound Investigation; Tommi Jantunen, Fixed and Free: The order of the Verbal Predicate and Its Core Arguments in Declarative Transitive Clauses of Finnish Sign Language; Noriko Matsumoto, Bridges between Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Pedagogy: The Case of Corpora and Their Potential; Thomas Pilz, Wolfram Luther & Ulrich Ammon, Retrieval of Spelling Variants in Nonstandard Texts - Automated Support and Visualization; Michaela Pörn, Psychophysical and Physical Causative Emotion Verbs in Finnish: The Temporal Structure of Causative Emotion Verb + Infinitive 1 - Constructions within Conceptual Semantics; Pertti A. Väyrynen, Kai H. Noponen & Tapio K. Seppänen, Multi-word Prediction for Legal English Context: A Study of Abbreviated Codes for Legal English Text Production; Glòria Vázquez & Ana Fernández Montraveta, Annotation de corpus: Sur la délimitation des arguments et des adjoints; Tuija Virtanen, Adverbials of 'Manner' and 'Manner Plus' in Written English: Why Initial Placement? Niina Ning Zhang, Repetitive and Correlative Coordinators as Focus Particles Parasitic on Coordinators.
More Information
ISSN 1456-8438
Publisher Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys
Series SKY Journal of Linguistics
Published (year) 2008
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages multilingual
Disciplines Linguistics
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Copyright © The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies