Excavations at Ficana. Vol Four

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Pietilä-Castrén, Leena
Excavations at Ficana. Vol Four. The Republican and Imperial Periods. The Excavation of Zona 6B
With contributions by Ria Berg, Anne-Maria Pennonen & Camilla Cecelie Wenn
Institutum Romanum Finlandiae
Occasional Papers of the Nordic Institutes in Rome
s.l. 2012, 164 pp.
The excavation of Ficana zona 6b, on the flat plateau on top of the hill of Monte Cugno, Acilia, was carried out over the years 1978‒1981. Zona 6b was located outside the Archaic earth-wall and to the west of the main excavation zones on the eastern slope and was chosen in order to study the extension, development and chronology of the settlement and its relationship to the zones inside the Iron Age agger. The catalogue of the finds is organised in three main groups: the minor objects and fine and coarse pottery. The minor objects include all finds other than pottery; those made of terracotta form the majority of non-metal finds, while those of stone, bone and glass are few in number. Metal objects are further divided into those in bronze, and iron or lead. The pottery is divided in two parts, in which the material is presented according to the quality, coarseness and colour of the clay.
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ISBN 978-952-5323-11-0
Publisher Säätiö Institutum Romanum Finlandiae - Stiftelsen Institutum Romanum Finlandiae
Series Occasional Papers of the Nordic Institutes in Rome
Published (year) 2012
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines Archaeology
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Copyright © The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies